Last I checked, lying and deceit was frowned upon, yet it seems more and more people, beginning with the President, to Hillary and now Dorthy Bland of Texas, think it is just dandy. It is, of course, even more acceptable to the left if being dishonest going to take down the ‘evil cops’ or forward the BLM movement.
While walking in the middle of the street exercising, Bland was asked by policemen to move the the side of the road so that she would not get hit. Instead of being grateful for their care, she slandered them in her column in The Dallas Morning News. Read her lies on page 2.
Law enforcement knows by now they are being set up for some of these things–like the student in her desk…
Thankful the camera was on.
Racist in America are Blacks period
Impeach Obama
Black ppl are the problem!
“Troll’n for trouble”
Black people are the racists!
More like walking while stupid