A Breitbart meetup in Arizona was disrupted after the manager of the restaurant K O’Donnell’s cut off the microphone and a police helicopter showed up, telling attendees to disperse. Having already spoken to the restaurant manager about hosting the event, which allows passionate Breitbart News readers to engage in offline fellowship, the event ended after restaurant workers claimed that one of the guests assaulted them, but turned out to be nothing more than a liberal patron complaining about the content being talked about. Between 150 to 200 people showed up, filling the patio of K O’Donnell’s to discuss matters of liberty and freedom with other Conservatives.
Read more about this event and the police raid on the next page.
Proof that it’s the liberals with the knee jerk reactions.
Again our conserveitive values under attack!!!
Wonder, what Moron Liberal ordered that one, if it had been BLM Morons congregating , nothing would have been done, this restaurant should be boycotted
I, a citizen of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, am calling for the immediate arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 section 3 of the United States Constitution, for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies. If you agree, please copy and re-post.
THIS is out right Bigotry blacks can riot in the streets but white consertatives plan a meeting and get the full police department ,
Well, K O’Donalds restaurant may be looking for a new way to make a living. There is a saying that goes like this: If your customer is satisfied & pleased with your service, he/she will tell 3-5 people and if your customer is dissatisfied, he/she will tell at least 200 people. O’Donald’s doesn’t look to good from this angle.