A student government election at a middle school in San Fransisco was put on hold last year because the principal believed the winners were ‘too white’. Only in an America led by the Obama Administration would something like this take place. The elections were held at Everett Middle School on October 10, but four days later, principal Lena Van Haren sent an email to parents saying that the results wouldn’t count because they did not represent how diverse the school is.
Clearly, in a school made up of 80% non-white people, white people must have rigged the vote . . . or they won because they were best suited for the job. One student is calling the principal out on her race agenda.
Read more about this student on the next page.
She needs to be fired immediately and prevented from ever being a principal again
Maybe we should have cancelled a presidential election in which a black man was elected in a country where the black population is only 20%
tell the principal to bend the kids over and check their butt holes..i am sure they would be brown enough for her.
Last year, 2019, was not an Obama led America. But, she is completely ridiculous. If the majority of the school is non-white, and they elected mostly white leaders, the kids know more than the principal. No surprise there.
Um, why do they have a White principal? She needs to go, for inclusiveness purposes.
Please date your articles AND please include a timeline date if you’re able and you’re intelligent enough, and this request goes out to everyone dredging up stuff from the past! It should be your standard policy if you’re going to be sharing anything but current events and even current events should ALWAYS be dated in your postings.
What she did was blatantly racist.
How can this be racist if they were in a minority
Group to begin with?
Reverse discrimination.