The Catch and Release program, sponsored by Obama and your local Homeland Security, will allow Jose Santos Argueta, an illegal pervert from Mexico to be released early from jail, after serving only 270.
Argueta was sentenced to 270 days for filming a woman under the Walmart bathroom stall, but under Obama’s Priority Enforcement Program, which replaced a stronger program on how ICE dealt with criminal aliens, will be allowed out early AND back into the Texas cities.
Read how Texas Sheriffs feel about this dangerous Catch and Release program on page 2.
Who wants to go shoot cans
I agree
Any thing for votes, they would wake up the dead.
Give the public notice when he’s released!!!
DEPORT the MF Illegal !!
Just in time for him to do something worse.
This is ludicrous.
he should be kept in prision or given to a nut house
He’s a threat to all women and girls… HE’S ILLEGAL……keep him the he’ll out of America….. homeland security needs to wake up and smell the coffee…..