Hillary Clinton is shifting to place the blame on Bengazi and her emails and server on that mysterious Right Wing Conspiracy. She seeks to find a new defense in her ongoing scandals. Donald Trump, however, as brash and bold as ever, cut to the core of the issue.
“Clinton may go to jail but is still running for president? 99% of people would be in jail for what she did,” Trump tweeted Sunday.
…and the nation cheered once again for Trump. More cheering on the next page:
Someone else on here Steele, you that hat needs to be educated. Quit towing the line for the liberals. It’s ok to come to the side that can do something for everyone
Go Trump
Does anyone think ObombUs will pardon here when she sits in jail
ahh the old blame shifting game – what democrats do best
We became a banana republic when our government killed JFK.
Another idiot whom can’t fess up the truth, n admit your wrong doings, take responsibility your ACTIONS, plus she’s a husband beater.
And she has a preference for female flesh.
Check your grammar, Lady, before you start criticizing others. Check out the proper use of WHOM and WHO.
I would rather have Hiliary than Bernie
Bernie, Socialists and Democratic Party are one and the same. All they is tax hardworking americans and spend american hard earned money. Anyone who will vote for Bernie Sanders is a Freeloader or food stamp collector.
Hang General Petraeus and acquit Hillary? That doesn’t sound like Justice to me.
The Trump Care.