Like a bad penny that keeps returning, Clock Bomb Boy is continuing to use his 15 minutes of fame to defame Texas and accuse everyone of racism.
President Barack Obama’s favorite apprentice bomb maker now sees clock bombs as keys to meeting famous people and expounding false accusations of racism and anti-Muslim discrimination. More of his personal Islamophobia on the next page:
Wee cnt
to fukin bad…get out of my country
Another lame excuse for despicable people.
The three stooges
you can,t believe anything these ragheads and goat rappers say . this is what liers do .send a b52 over there a drop a bomb on the basturd and say this is your clock bomb , it didn,t go off over here it went off over there, lock and load amen imo they are all liers just like Obama.
They should be deported!
Hey kid your nothing but a terrorist and a slimy one at that
Hes nothing but a foilthy scumbag. Go back to the desert where you lot belong