So the Critics of Pope Francis have been loud and increasing just as much as the calls of social justice and climate change have excited the leftists in America. Then there was the alleged bombshell that the Pope went a step further when he discussed the “failure” of Jesus’ life and the “failure of the cross.”
Pope Francis’ first stop in New York was at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, where, at an evening prayer, he touched on the spirit of gratitude and hard work before making the shocking statement. Let’s run a review on the next page:
When Jesus healed people by laying of hands that’s just what it was, not molestation!
The “Pope” IS NOT A CHRISTIAN.Has never been “BORN AGAIN”as Jesus said must happen. The fruit of this old man in religious clothing bears witness that he is not. And his followers had better read the Bible ASAP. ROMANS 5 VS 1 FOR STARTERS.
This man is not the man we would normally consder Pope material. I recognized that wben he gave sanctuary in the Vatican for one of the biggest child abusers named and found guilty.
Need new pope n bishops sad what they are coming up with. Never in my 74 years have I ever seen popes n bishops downgrade the Catholic Church n it’s teachi.
This Pope is leading people away from Christianity! Jesus did not fail on the cross! He died for our sins! Says so in the Bible. The Pope needs to read his Bible now!!!
I agree he knows nothing….about Jesus
You missed the message altogether that he was proclaiming I know he can be a little profound sometimes but if we spent more time praying about what we don’t understand &less time trying to repeat false information , GOD would show us the answers. the Bible tells us not to become to elated in our own thinking.
Christ did not fail on the cross, He was successful, and because of this,
we can enjoy repenting and eternal life with Him!.
Pope Francis knows. He knows fully the Gospels and their Devine meanings.
Now I see another reason coming in to light, that Pope Francis has sold out to the New World Order (I have believed this since his first year as Pope, the non scriptural statements said). He is not a Pope for the people.