You don’t have to spend a lot of time browsing the Internet before finding something ridiculous, hypocritical or downright false Hillary Clinton has uttered. Her latest comments come from a Labor Day speech in Illinois that made her sound like a dictator instead of a presidential candidate. Apparently she believes it was unions who created the middle class. Once again, Hillary has her facts mixed up.
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She’ll say or do whatever it takes to seize power…desperate psycho
She going to ad more years to her own sentence
She is well versed in communism and marxism and has studied it and wants that for this country. She will make Obama look like a rookie with her stupidity.
She is a fine one to be talking about theft! 😉
And when will you be going to jail????????????????????????
Smack her socialist @$$ upside the head
Extremely dangerous!
U need to be in prison! Can U say arms deals to Al-Qiada in Libya. Amb$#%&!@*ador Stevens, paid with his life, & 3 others, ( call for stand down)for uncovering weapons arms deal Clinton & Obama did. Biggest lie to American people! We impeached a liar Named Nixon! Why would we Hire one?