A newly installed municipal judge in Ferguson has a nifty plan to eradicate all the racial tension in Ferguson and the surrounding areas. Everyone gets a “get out of your warrant” day. Yep, anything you have outstanding from lowly parking and traffic violations that have gone to warrant, to anything that comes up “warrant for arrest”.
It seems only fair that a Judge that has no knowledge of what his job is, should be kicked out of office post haste!!!!!!
Man. Wished I had a free get out of jail card.
Oh yes this will work like a charm. They have been given the go ahead and do as you please sign. We’ll be hearing more about these thugs soon. How crazy can one get????????????
Way to go judge! Let the criminals off scot free.
that’s Stupid all I can say…
well now that solves everyones problems right–nope its about to get worse
It appears the judge plans to set them up to be slaughtered in the streets.
Only a matter of time before these riots turn sour and the bodies stack up.
And it is becoming abundantly clear that it is time for “We the People” to take action to govern this nation.
These officials who refuse to do their jobs, enforce the law, and uphold the Constitution must be fired!
They all need to be shot .shoot some of them the rest will. Back off if not get rid of them
about to be a m$#%&!@* exodus out of there. Leave nothing behind but looters.