We’ve all experienced that frustration of clicking on a YouTube video only to be staring into a blank screen with something like “This video has been deleted due to copyright infringement laws”. Now, there has been an ongoing “secret trade agreement” called the TPP (Trans-Pacific Paternership) a multinational coalition that threatens to extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws across the globe and enforce criminal provisions to any individual/ individuals who are found “breaking” said laws.
Even more alarming, is the “slipping” the internet censoring laws in through the proverbial “back door” due to its controversial nature. Most of the secret trade agreement, has nothing to do with internet censoring. In fact, out of the eleven chapters, only one is devoted to “intellectual property rights”. But that chapter, on internet censoring, would change the “freedom” of the internet.
democrat traitors
I used to be a contractor for the post office and one of the things that I noticed is that once you do something once, now you’ve set a precedence, and that’s when the statement takes effect. This is what is happening with the present regime.
The people have become so brainwashed and gullible that they will believe anything.
We the People need to hear more of this phrase, “United we stand. Divided we fall.” Wake up America.
Blah where are the good old days and free internet for all.
They can go jump in shark infested waters first
I’m expecting some douche canoe to make it where we have to pay postage to send email!
What is happening to our freedom!