As you enter the local Walmart, watch for the visible part of the software-monitored technology the retail chain has installed near their doors and throughout the store.
High-tech facial recognition cameras are mounted eye level by the entries of their new storefronts, but it’s the software behind these anonymous plastic half-globes that has raised concerns (see the video on the following page). These cameras can cross-reference your image with online social media networks and match a name with the face. They can learn a lot more and may be able to track lots of data points. Exactly how much the system can record and track is unknown, but in the video on the next page you can see that it not only tracks faces, but can categorize objects and motion:
If you are not shoplifting why is this a problem?
what the hell ever- if I’m lucky I will never have to step foot in any of those stores again- they suck
The old facial recognization system is failing this is a newer modle part of the future crimes division of NSA. The take data on everything and look for future crimes. Example: George stopes going to his normal hange sets off alrt level 1 out he stops posting on anti governmetn webpages sets off alerty level 2. George reserves an hotel room a few hundred miles form his home sets off alert level 3. George go to a local store purchases furtlizer alert level 4, desal cans alert level 5, and nails alert level 6 as well as a nail gun alert level 7. George has never made any similar purchases Now all government agencies are on the look out for George the computer had regestered him as a level 7 potential terrorist attack. However he met helen and she is going to build Hud houses he took off work to join her all done in a parking lot. Helen and George meats up heading to the apartment complex where she also booked ar room they purchase Desal for the hud generators when reaching the destination. Both are killed after leaving the station and heading to the apartment. This is how the future crimes NSA collecgtion works if you were wondering.
when you walk by one of them stick your middle finger up in front of your face that should p**s them off
Scary future in the wrong hands.
Like going through the immigration !!
Walk by and slap a good piece of duct tape over it. you can buy it at walmart 😀
Havent they already done this in a sci-fi film? Something with Tom Cruise??