The latest attack on our Second Amendment comes from Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. In a recent interview on Newsmax TV, the man stated that our 2nd Amendment is ‘an absurd thing’ because now we must live in a gun-saturated nation that is in desperate need of reform.
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Alan,you’ll need a body guard,,,
socolist have taken over the democrats
Wrong wrong wrong
i have a better idea, let’s stop the 300,000 murders occurring in our abortion mills and maybe God will restrain most of the gun violence as a result. #Watch the videos #anotherboy
Giving billions of our tax dollars to Israel is an absurd thing, Alan.
This nut calls himself a legal expert, and dares to knock the Second Amendment? Better that he should move to Iran and study Sharia law there.
Dershowitz is absurd.
September 5th, rally with your community. Spread the word. Send the message to Congress, ” Impeach Obama “! Before it’s too late!
Alan Dershowitz This guy is a child sex offender and should be in jail
Alan Dershowitz This guy is a child sex offender and should be in jail