Everybody makes mistakes. It’s apart of being human, and just like us, law enforcement agents are human. They make mistakes just like we do. The only thing one can do when they make a mistake, regardless of the severity of its consequences, is to apologize and do whatever is possible to make things right.
Yet, there are many cases where law enforcement doesn’t do that. They often blame the victim, leave recovery expenses unpaid for and in some cases even harass the victim.
You won’t believe the excuses made by the SWAT team who mutilated a baby’s face and chest.
This is insane
This is so outrageous, it’s absurd. I can’t believe they
aren’t held responsible. That little baby and the family
Will go through so much heartache and grief for the rest
of their lives. They should have to compensate for the
mistake they made!
this is scary, because the baby was sleeping in the crib, he is to blame, along with the other members of the household, I hope the lawyer who did this never sleeps again, the SWAT Team should never sleep again either, God bless this child.
They don’t want to take responsibility for their actions.
This is why good police are getting a bad rap and being killed.
can we still consider them “good police” if they dont stand up against the bad?
@[710560902422667:274:אוהבים את חב”ד – I Love Chabad]
I am sry but it freaking crazy first off it’s not an infants fault u guys didn’t check the house out before throwing something so dangerous into a crib of a infant that can’t get out of the way hello u stupid infants can fend for themselves wow u really didn’t pay attention in school did u I pray for this child an hope the people responsible actually are haunted by this bc it’s very messed up for u to blame a denseless infant for ur fault..
So now we’re going to blame babies – BABIES! for not “fleeing” his crib? These people should be ashamed of themselves. There just aren’t any words for this. Why are we standing for this? This needs to be overturned immediately, and those officers involved should be held accountable. When did we get to the point that police can make EGREGIOUS mistakes and get away with it? The very least they can do is pay this families medical bills. The very least. They should be investigated, and for the love of God – they should appologize for almost killing a baby based on shaky evidence. Apparantly they aren’t intelligent enough to notice children’s playthings in the yard, so why are we trusting such ignoramuses to “serve and protect”? At this point the entire country, even the whole world, is aware of this incident. How can we expect other countries to respect us when this sort of garbage is allowed to happen? Accountability, people!! It’s way past time these police departments were held accountable for such insanely ignorant behavior. Way past time.