A high school in Seattle, Washington has sparked outrage after having initialed a program IUDs (intrauterine devices) and other forms of birth control in girls as young as 11 without parental consent.
This is only one of 13 schools in the city to have implemented a state-wide health policy that permits middle and high schools to administer birth control to girls as young at those attending the sixth grade without ever having informed their parents.
Then, we need to stop the Socialism in our country, if we want to keep our parental control of our own children, away from State Government control..right???? Wake-up, People!!!!!
I think it is too late for the US to wake up, we have been infiltrated at every level of authority, our schools are geared towards indoctrinating to accept socialism and neutral gender thinking, over sexualized to make them easy victims of pedophiles. And the utmost issue in this nation is the destruction of faith and the removal of GOD.
So sued