This incident certainly reveals how absolutely backwards our country has become. This week a man went to Walmart to have a cake made of the Confederate flag with the words “Heritage Not Hate” inscribed.
He was refused.
Walmart states that they are not selling the Confederate flag or any products associated with it, and therefore their bakery won’t make cakes of the Rebel flag either.
Boycott them
If Christians are forced to bake cakes for fags then they cannot refuse to bake a flag cake…
Can we have a red man’s cake depicting the white’s forcing us in The Trail Of Tears?
This is so ridiculous
This is our history of the Confederate civil war and all races fought for this nation.
Am not surprised….
Don’t be a hypocite QUIT shopping at wal-mart . There are other stores about that sell cheaper than wal-malt and a better product . TRUE .
Sue Walmart like the gays did with ppl who refused to bake them a cake!
f wal mart ,, wont never shop there again,, i got my rebel flag.. keep on flying it brothers…
Aint no reed neck but I respect your ideals Semper Fi