One only wonders why the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t state the number of rising deaths would reach into the millions in their recent report. It would seem to be far more scary and a consequence of the global nature of what they claim.
Only 13,000 deaths by 2050? C’mon EPA, surely you want to trump up more fear-based support for your agenda than that.
They have been spraying c**p in the sky for the last 7 years now, I see it everyday, and it’s sure as hell not vapor trails from passenger jets!
Good Old Obama, gee he sure is the devil.
legalize and utilize cannabis it is the only plant that heal the damage done by deforestation.
Let’s not forget the smart meter’s. On point
If they are so worried about climate change they should visit Japan, can’t see past 20 ft due to pollution. Oh yeah they think America is its own planet… I forgot.
What happened to global warming ended up being a scam so now the libs are pushing climate change its all a scam