Speaking in a rare radio interview granted on the campaign trail, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton declared on Sunday that she’d make fighting ISIS’ online presence an important part of taking on the terrorist organization. She said ISIS “has mastered the Internet.”
Clearly, if Clinton has her way, the government would use fear of ISIS’ supposed ‘mastery’ of the Internet to impose new and greater government controls on the web. After all, terrorism fear-mongering gave rise to such well-respected, freedom-loving agencies as the Department of Homeland Security and a host of other ‘security’ apparatus in modern America.
Check out her statement after the jump, as she plants the seeds for later when she sits in the Oval Office (she hopes):
she is correct as the US media-press get talking points for the GOP to report it was the interviews of the ISIS members who are well educated and some with 3 degrees in Tech, medical, engineering, science etc. Bush did not know this when he decided to just arrest all the Iraq people who worked with Saddam and some had hate for Saddam. Yes it does show how well educated these foreign people are compared to our elected lawmakers. Many jokes have been made that it is the reason many don’t understand Obama because he is well educated and lawmakers are not.