Under the guise of rebuilding trust between cops and their communities, the Obama administration issued a report on Monday stating that state and local police should stop enforcing immigration laws.
The report also recommends cutting back on the transfer of military equipment and weapons into local law enforcement agencies.
So, we are getting less enforcement of immigration laws and a faux curtailing of weapons of war on our streets…all for the purpose of Obama taking over local law enforcement and keeping as many illegal immigrants within our borders as he can.
obama Is not running for office, but his party isd,. and he’s a good communist, he wants the illegals here, so they can vote for dem, under the guise of socialism …illegally ~! but when has a law ever deterred him?
I don,t care what he does I will not be apart of his STUPID plans for everyone I will keep my guns and prepare for the time when his HENCHMEN come around looking to take everything and everybody away to ONE OF HIS FEMA CAMPS (more like concentrtion camps )
If they obey his orders then their just as sorry and pathetic as he is..they need to tell him to f off
No one cares what ogina thinks nor says!!! He constantly screws us at every single turn…
What a load of c**p. Both the product, and the producer.
What a Moooraaaan
Here ya go! Why can this moron not be stopped. It’s all just a big game for his own personal agenda.
It wasn’t an order, only a suggestion and he has no authority to implement such a law.