Fox News has just broken a story on memos received from Judicial Watch which clearly shows that Obama lied about the rise of ISIS and the movement of weapons from Libya to Syria ahead of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
Obama claimed that Benghazi was simply a demonstration against a film about the Prophet Muhammad that ended up becoming violent – these documents prove this was another lie.
Why are we still talking about this? The officials, no matter who they are, that knew about this and allowed it to happen be tried and punished for treason?
God, she is such a liar…she absolutely makes me sick
She is straight out lying and was totally aware of the arms moving through turkey to syria. When I know about it, at the time it occurred, SHE KNEW!!! She’s just playing dumb.
OMG! You mean Obozo and Hillary LIED ABOUT BENGHAZI!
of course they did, they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit on the ass
I really hate the way this administration has regressed since day one.God knows that a second term has been a pathetic mistake !!!