Adding to the plethora of garbage laws created by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, such as really big soft drinks, we now have the ‘no tattoo, no piercing’ law for pets.
Because, you know, it’s embarrassing for a pet to look in the mirror to see a tattoo that they didn’t consent to.
This latest law is not really to protect you pet’s self-esteem, it’s too continue to desensitize your aversion to authoritarianism.
Maybe if people were educated, we could join together and stand up, but instead we choose to post on Facebook and blame everyone else for our problems…
Do animals get a say in getting a tattoo? Maybe we should do more to someone who wants to tattoo an animal. The day the comedy idiocracy became a documentary folks! Quit being stupid
But the NYC government thinks that it is ok for parents to mutilate their sons at 8 days old.
NYC needs to move to the left coast.
To all of the people on here that thinks it’s cruel my dog told me he wants a tat of Scoobie Doo on his left hind leg. He loves Scoobie Doo.
oops!! happens sometimes but i see you Mr smart butt are on facebook too!! and no facebook is not capitalized.
Why would you do that to a pet? That’s abusive it hurts..
what about tatts for identification? It is quick and easy stamp, and hurts no more than a microchip
Its sad that this even has to be a law…somethings should be considered common sense people..I think the tattoo artist should be punished and banned from working as a tattoo artist , this makes me sick