The CDC has been asserting that Ebola can’t be spread by any other means than by direct contact.
The CDC has been downplaying the threat of Ebola all along, which has prompted one protest from a board-certified emergency trauma physician, Dr. Gil Mobley, who recently wore a Hazmat suit, with “CDC is lying” written on the back, to an Atlanta airport.
The position of the CDC is completely contracticted by a recent report by the World Health Organization.
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It is irresponsible to send these mixed messages! If a person sneezes and I am in the path of the fall out from that sneeze I would consider that direct contact of bodily fluids!
When you call yourself truth and action then lie and spread misinformation, one really has to call into question your integrity.
Not really true, if a big glob of mucus lands on you, advise don’t touch it and put it in your eye or mouth.