Obama has officially declared war on the Ebola virus and will send 3000 troops to the combat the disease in West Africa.
Yes, ISIS gets 475 troops sent and a virus gets 3000.
That’s 3000 more chances of bringing back this disease to US soil.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
I,m gonna die! oh! someone please help me! what a bunch of $#%&!@*s! hey ya probly got it now,quick get to the hospital!Oh yea,you live in a red state and it ain,t covered! hahaha.
He is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that’s what the dumbass wants. he wants war and pestilence in our borders…
I hope like hell ALL of them refuse to go to West Africa…let ovomits sorry ass go there….please.
Those 300 troops on our southern border would be a much more effective means of combatting the spread of Ebola here.
Why are we sending troops to fight Ebola??? If I understand the one big problem is clean water, why are we not spending the money on wells? If our religious organizations can dig wells in these countries why can’t our government? For those wells the money comes from the folks donations. Get some well digging equipment in there. WHY in heavens name are we not sending medical personnel and people that can build labs, hospital buildings, quarters for personnel and the means to get rid of the contaminated suits into this area? Tell us Obama, WHERE IS YOUR HEAD (turn around)!!!!!
the soldiers should all refused to go especially after what he has done to sgt.tahmoorissi…