Another spot-on commentary by Judge Jeanine as she rips into the lies, corruption and scandal of Obama and his administration surrounding the VA.
Obama did know of this situation back in 2007 and his “remedy” only caused deaths and corruption, which is indicative of the entire administration. Everyone knew what was going on.
The following charges should be brought against Obama, Holder and everyone surrounding this horrific situation, according to the judge:
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Involuntary Manslaughter
Falsifying Records
Obstruction of Justice
Tampering with Evidence
Obstruction by Intimidation of Whistleblowers
people have to realize that bama’ was preened and prepped for presidency years before it happened, plans were made and followed……..he had many backers on what I call the wrong side of the fence, and not one of them law abiding people with integrity, just themselves and their profits in mind……….
Did ministration needs to be held accountable for all laws broken and for not upholding the Constitution of the United States… He is an enemy of the state…. He should be recalled and thrown in prison.
I agree with you Judge Jeanine Pirro, you are right.
No you do Tyler Grove.
Bush knew all about it to and Clinton And the other Bush Get real
Damn it man he was still in congress then. Still “in office”
Change your profile pic if you support his impeachment!
Deathlists are here not by Obama but from the unbridled pollution and pillaging of our natural resources. Corporations, in the name of job creation have (and we let them by buying their products) polluted our air, water, land, even the DNA of countless species. People and our Government have allowed companies like Monsanto to genetically own and alter seeds, the source of life itself. No accountablility.
People are getting diseases at mich younger ages and children are being born with health problems not seen less than a generation ago.
Overpopulation is adding to the problem, our feeling entitled to have as many children as we want without considering the impqct on our ecology and economy.
I could go on… you get the point. -VA+
Love your rage at what is happening to our dear old USA!