Watch British Intelligence advisor Michael Shrimpton’s report that Obama was born in Kenya and that the CIA performed covert DNA testing on him, with the results coming back showing no match to his claimed grandparents.
He also reports that Obama’s father ran guns for the Mau Mau, which was a criminal group that worked with British army in a revolt between 1952 and 1960 in Kenya.
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Because Brittidb intelligence, CIA, Feds are all criminal organizations. That’s why they can run guns they say we are too stupid to ha . That’s why they kill everybody who gets in their way. And you worry about spelling and calling people dumb asses because they are looking at it. Sharing and questioning the matters. You want to be smart mouths and act like you are the intelligent factions when you are the imbeciles.
1960 in Kenya.
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Hey webmaster–how about fixing this c**p ?
Well, I certainly don’t share Ms. Chisumvii’s opinion. Something makes me believe that she most likely voted Democrat. And without futher delay…
It really does not surprise me that I am hearing of this type of deviance again about Obama and his gang. I can’t remember the details, but several years back, along the same time Obama was labeling ISIS as the JV team, it was reported that some of the top brass at the Pentagon were upset because they were not being allowed to communicate Intel to POTUS if it was not within narrow parameters that allowed a positive spin that fit said Intel into the politically motivated illusion that he wanted presented to the American people, an illusion of having a handle on the situation. He has had the appearance, even the actions, of someone with a different agenda than would be expected of a patriotic leader of our nation.
As for his origin of birth, who really knows. That issue has been said to have been resolved, and he was born in Hawaii. But it seems that when you are dealing with one of the most non transparent and covert administrations in recent history, all info is contested. To question will gain you the label of racist. Ask Trump. One of the so-called instances used as an example of his ‘racism’ is his questioning of where Obama was born.
Couple these things with a news media and half the nation giving him a pass on everything so as not to appear a bigoted racist cave dweller to our glorious first black president and you get lots of secrets, some kept because of a flawed sense of duty and decency. Others kept because disclosure very well could earn some a swing from the gallows.
Thank you all for your service. God bless you and God bless our America.