As incredible as it seems, producers of the show Duck Dynasty told the cast to stop saying ¨in Jesus name¨ when praying at the dinner table because it could offend Muslims!
Since when are we suppose to not pray in this country because it might offend Muslims?
This is highly offensive to Christians. I guess that wasn´t a consideration.
Should Duck Dynasty “stars” say the name of Jesus while praying? OF COURSE they should! Why should Muslims be offended? After all, they wear clothes that speak to others of THEIR faith, even though I am offended when I see the way they dress! In this country we have freedom of religion and freedom to say the name of Jesus if we choose. If Muslims don’t want the freedoms we have in the US they should live elsewhere! No producers have the right to tell show participants not to say the name of Jesus while praying! It is our right to do so, & Muslims NEED JESUS, so they SHOULD hear his name so they will convert. This is a Judeo-Christian nation, after all. Muslims are late comers & must learn to live by our constitutional laws.
We have to hear them say pbuh and to allah which actually might offends christians..has that even been considered? I find a lot of what muslims do offensive but they get treated sifferently..why is that?
OBAMA is a Muslim Wake Up America!!!