This guy posts videos online stating that in order for black people to survive they must start killing white people.
He buys weapons for DHS and his employees say they are afraid of him.
It seems that calling for race-related violence isn’t enough to get you fired at DHS because the guy still has his job!
I really don’t think he truly wants to get that started. It would not go well for the aggressors. There are white people who are not afraid of them. It’s kind of messed up that they are bringing that kind of c**p to fore because we have thratening wars that could take American lives and they resort to this petty bularky. Racism is a problem, yes, but AMERICANS black or white or any other color need to stand up as AMERICANS to quell the danger coming to us before we continue this race war. I am a warrior, I do not like blacks but if one of those AMERICANS needed someone to get their backs I would have it. Then when the war is won and AMERICANS are free to continue this fight then at least our freedom to do so would be secure. One thing at a time folks! As for me, I’m picking the most important agenda first but if you shoot at me I’m shooting back and I don’t miss!
The ONLY race is the HUMAN race and ANYONE, including you Three Stooges, and the moron that is promoting his Black Panther/Nation of Islam/etc. type rants need to ALL be ashamed of yourselves, for you ALL are pawns of various groups that work for the New World Order, Illuminati, and the Jesuits in the end, period, full stop!
your tinfoil hat is on crooked
It seems to me that the point that is trying to made by the commentators is far from realistic and is basically illegal in itself. They are suggesting that this person is not worthy of his constitutional rights as an american to voice his opinion. They admitted that he is a tax paying american who has his priorities in that he is going to work everyday and doing his job. What he says is afforded to him by the constitution, but I assume if he were white and said “lets kill muslims” then it would be ok? Its offensive yes, but it’s his right. No? Why isn’t the person who said he doesn’t like blacks get investigated, he said he has priorities and will get back to dealing with the blacks after he’s dealt with other issues. That sounds like a threat to me….
NO…because he’s doing hate speech and making credible threats which is illegal. And if he’s encouraging others to do the same, then he is also a terrorist.
His rhetoric falls under the terroristic threats law that was past more then a few years ago, and would put any white person in prison for a long time….
Ha ha ha! Little monkee boy wearing a dress! Come and get some, little boy!
Sounds like hate speech to me. Send his dumb ass to prison so he can join a race-gang and live out his violent fantasies.
He can get away with it because Obama doesn’t like whites, Christians, Jews or Americans. ” IGHT DAWG”
Abortion clinics should be closed for blacks to survive. IDIOT
Why is this not considered hate speech and inciting violence? These race issues are ridiculous, and we just really don’t have the time or patience for it right now. Why can’t we all just unite against a common enemy for now? Jeez. If this was a white guy saying we need to kill all blacks, there would be an uproar. I’m sick of hearing this stupid c**p.
This man should be fired from DHS, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, & sent to jail for 99 years!