President Trump Salutes, Shakes Hands with ALL 989 Air Force Academy Graduates

President Trump Salutes, Shakes Hands with ALL 989 Air Force Academy Graduates

After his commencement address at the U.S. Air Force Academy, President Donald Trump chose to remain and shake hands with every graduating cadet – nearly 1,000.

“They gave me a choice. They said, sir, you don’t have to shake any hands, some people do that.” President Trump said. “Those are the smart ones. They’re out of here,” he said in an aside.

“You can shake one hand, to the one person, top of the class. You can shake 10, 50 or 100, and you could also stay for 1,000. And I’m staying for 1,000, OK?’ President Trump said to loud cheers.

Move to the next page for video and details of President Trump’s speech.

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