When President Trump was in office he really put a spotlight on the lavish overseas trips Nancy Pelosi’s congressional delegation (CODEL) attempted to take to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan when he banned her from using military aircraft. It prompted conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch to release documents under a 2015 Freedom of Information Act that reveals Pelosi “abusing the perks of office.”
“Speaker Pelosi has a demonstrated record of abusing the perks of office that give her access to military luxury travel paid for by taxpayers,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Indeed, Judicial Watch’s work exposing the extraordinary amount of Pelosi’s travel abuses over the years caused her successor John Boehner to refrain from using Air Force luxury jets to travel to his Ohio congressional district.
On the next page see reports detailing Pelosi’s remarkable abuse.
Pelooser and sleepy joe with the Obama’s
Circus clowns administration were the most disgusting corrupted liberal rats ever to govern our country. Hopefully one day Karma will come to bite them where Will hurt the most. MAGA
I know Nancy used to take a big plane back and forth home and keep the plane and pilot on standby while she was home for the weekend… this was while she was Speaker for Obama. i was just wondering if we could get a total of what was paid for this alone, not counting her trips, of what she cost the taxpayers while she was in that Seat. Since she is so rich, I’m thinking she should be reimbursing the taxpayers. It’s like taking the bus back and forth to work and expecting someone else to pay for it.