Chuck Todd: “We’re Not Going to Give TV Time to Climate Deniers”

Chuck Todd: “We’re Not Going to Give TV Time to Climate Deniers”

NBC’s Chuck Todd began “Meet the Press” on an episode last December with the announcement that the climate change issue has been fully ‘settled’ and therefore no airtime will be given to those who don’t hold the view of their network.

“We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter. And human activity is a major cause, period,” said Todd. “We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not.”

Remember when ‘bias’ was the greatest problem facing news reporting?

I can hardly count the number of stories we’ve done on scientists and studies that either disagree with climate change theory or go so far as to call out evidence of climate change theory as outright fabrications. Just a few titles:

Settled huh?

Turn the page for video of Todd’s declaration.

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