Judge Orders Justice, State Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Inquiry

Judge Orders Justice, State Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Inquiry

This hasn’t been a good week for Hillary Clinton. Not only did three whistleblowers come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, on Thursday a U.S. judge ordered the Justice and State departments to reopen an inquiry into Hillary’s misuse of a private email server while secretary of state where she is alleged to have deliberately evaded public records laws. The inquiry will also look at whether the agencies acted in bad faith by not telling a court for months that they had asked in mid-2014 for missing emails to be returned.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, an appointee of Ronald Reagan, said in a scathing opinion that despite FBI, inspector general and congressional investigations into Clinton’s use of a private account for all her email traffic during her tenure as secretary of state, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch will be allowed to demand documents and additional testimony regarding the activity.

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