Jones: Trump Threatening to Release 9/11 Documents Exposing Mueller, Clintons, Bushes

According to a report by Infowars’ Alex Jones, President Trump is preparing to release documents exposing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Bushes and the Clintons in a ‘9/11-Saudi cover-up’.

Jones claims that Mueller has been involved in the ‘systematic cover-up of the true circumstances behind 9/11’ from the very beginning. Of the 19 hijackers involved in the attack on the World Trade Center, 15 came from Saudi Arabia. From the day of the attacks, families of 9/11 victims have sought compensation from the Saudi government but their efforts have been stymied by the actions of Robert Mueller, who was director of the FBI at the time of the attacks.

The Deep State wanted to go to war with Iraq so a cover-up of Saudi involvement in the WTC attack was necessary. President Trump may be preparing to torpedo America’s shadow government with one deadly shot, taking down many of its minions in the process.

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  1. Sandra
  2. Teresa Forsythe
  3. Emma Wike
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