Samsung Begins Erasing People’s Memories Through Their TV

Samsung Begins Erasing People’s Memories Through Their TV

Depending on what you believe about hypnosis and mind-control, your reaction can vary from amusement, to concern, to downright fear. And like other issues, the truth is independent of what you believe. In other words, truth stands on its own. It’s our understanding of it and our reaction that counts — something that is clearly lost on liberal politicians and judges.

Yet, suppose some of it is real. Suppose there are ways to “erase” your memories of certain events, especially if it were against your will. The power that would confer on the entity or person who possessed it is difficult to imagine. By controlling one’s recollection of the past, it would be simple to control that person’s reaction to events in his or her future.

Sound like something out of a science-fiction flick? Maybe not. Check out page two.

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