This entertaining little clip might be fiction, at the moment, but it illustrates the insanity resulting from carrying out all this political correctness to it’s fullest extent – in this case regarding the stance of police and our immediate security.
Next time a cop in needed in the hood, Call A Thug.
Stupidity knows no bounds.
Just a glimpse of the future.
Why are you even employed there!
Is that for real?
Yes, of course. Can’t you tell?
BTW how old are you?
Maybe this will cut back on the police murders of a certain race
another mthug ,
Send the PC police!
Funny. But unfortunately this is the world that we created. If we as a nation want this to change we as a nation has to work together to change One for ALL and ALL for One Color should not matter WAIT there is one color we care more about and that color is the green we have in our pockets See where we are for it. Caused separation and the only ones that pay for this way of thinking. Is the children. It will only get worse. Not better. Now if everyone want pease and harmony. We ALL need to sit down come up with a better way to work together . If not for yourself then do it for the children