This entertaining little clip might be fiction, at the moment, but it illustrates the insanity resulting from carrying out all this political correctness to it’s fullest extent – in this case regarding the stance of police and our immediate security.
It is coming too this
Seriously half of you people commenting are ignorant, This was a skit, a JOKE to show how ridiculous all this politically correct bs is. It is not something that really happened, how stupid are you. Read something before just watching videos and making your stupid comments.
Aren’t these the same people who believe that sitcoms are for real?
Who the heck are these people and how did they find this site?
They forgot to mention in the video that the victim was a staunch anti-gun liberal !
Could be the homeowner is just an afraid of guns wuss .
sad but what its coming to
Fire the operator now!
She needs a new job.
God help us all.
Funny but, not so funny because this is really what it is turning into