Under Obama’s executive actions, nearly 90,000 criminal illegal aliens have been released back into the public in 2015, according to Jessica Vaughan the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. This astronomical number is based on Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s internal data for last year where ICE encountered 152,393 criminal illegal aliens, though only 64,116 were charged with immigration violations.
The safety of the American public is the least of Obama’s concerns as he panders to his leftist supporters and illegal immigrants. ICE also came in contact with another 88,000 illegal criminal immigrants but these were not placed in deportation proceedings. According to the Washington Examiner, more criminal illegal aliens are let go by local jails, even with requests for local authorites to hold these aliens over for deportation.
The Priority Enforcement Program, an Obama action that harms the security of the American public, officials are supposed to work together with local police in the arrest and deportment of criminal illegal aliens, however what this really means is that ICE gets a call and the suspect is held for 48 hours and then released. Data shows, according to several sheriffs around the country that only 35-40% are seized by ICE, even after release.
Not feeling secure at home America? Thank the President and read more of his failure on the following page.
Lock and load , take no prisoners !
Why are they in the American prison system, they are here illegally, they’ve committed a crime that’s two laws that were broken, at this point they should have been deported, not jailed, next their name and photo given to law enforcement and border patrols with orders to shoot on sight.
All part of the plan – Be prepared to take action on your own behalf !
All criminals approve of breaking the law. The criminal in the white house is no exception.
Why are the Democrats doing this to America?
We need to be killin’ off EVERbody! Then we kin goes ta CHURCH.
He has ruined this Country
Yeah, we know, now just send them back and start shooting if caught crossing
islam is under the judgement of God for breaking all His commandments and teaching others to do the sam. Repent now before you have no more time for the kingdom of heavne has come unto you. The wages of all sin is deaath but if you repent and take up the gift of God you will receive eternal life.