90% of Refugees Not Syrian, Attack Those Giving Them Asylum

It would seem that quite a few of the people claiming to be Syrian aren’t actually Syrian.

As the Sydney Morning Herald reports, 90% of migrants arriving in some countries claim to be Syrian yet have no documentation to prove it.

The New York Times quoted a legitimate Syrian migrant who complained that Pakistanis and others were discarding their IDs in an effort to fake Syrian citizenship and get preferential treatment.

“I am Syrian, you know,” said 28-year-old Taha Shaben. “A real Syrian. Here, we have Pakistanis, Afghans, Iraqis, and they all throw away their papers and claim to be Syrian….everyone is a Syrian now. It is a big problem.”

There’s also the matter of Hungary’s Prime Minister, who is refusing to accept a large number of migrants because he believes his country has the right to protect Christian traditions. And he’s right. If history has proven anything, it’s that it’s impossible for Christianity and Islam to coexist.

Source: infowars.com




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