According to both a new study and the head of the Federal Reserve, 90% of all US household are poorer than they were back in 1987.
Where did the money go? It didn’t just evaporate.
See following page to read more:
According to both a new study and the head of the Federal Reserve, 90% of all US household are poorer than they were back in 1987.
Where did the money go? It didn’t just evaporate.
See following page to read more:
It’s our government. And GREED. It’s revolution calling. And it’s not going to get any better wanna bet.
Between taxes and health care and eating, whats left? Some things you have to buy.
Let’s see, in 1987 we didn’t have cable, cell phones, internet, or $50k SUVs to haul our lazy kids around. Cut out c**p and live within your means.
it went to the top and never trickled down
It is sure harder to support just myself now days that I am retired and a widow living alone then it was in 1987 when my husband walked out and I had to take care of my son and pay all the bills and sometimes worked 3 jobs to do so.
your right
Any President could have reversed this at anytime. obooma is the worse thing that could happen to this country, he is a treasonous traitor to America. Blame Bush, obooma does, blame other Presidents, but you miss the real problem, THE GOOD OLD BOY SYSTEM!! We can choose between the two candidates the two parties choose for us. Not the best for America but the best for them
Then it was fighting the communists, now it’s being controlled by them. And look at how bad things are now.
That’s for sure!