Obama is so generous with your tax dollars. According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data 91.4% of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare. Yes, the people bent on destroying us are getting generous entitlements from us. Read more outrage on the next page:
Of course they are since they left their homes with nothing. You’d be like them if you were forced to leave. The real question is, is how industrious and willing to work are they?
I love my family and my country. I know together we can change the direction of our country. Myself like most of have fought this war from the couch. We have to be more than couch and Facebook warriors.
Thank you for the reply and more details. I will sign it, I just don’t have faith in anyone in any capacity within our government. They all have the same mindset as hillary “what difference does it make” and “you have to accept those Muslims to know what Muslim you are letting in”…my patience is dwindling and I’m fighting tooth and nail to keep my composure civil. I have never loathed or felt so much anger against an entire body of people!
Ok, I’ve signed the pe$#%&!@*ion. Good luck!
I understand. Those of us who actually have common sense feel the same way. I know I sure do. That’s why I have decided to try and actually make a difference. Instead of hoping our government will. Our officials will only respond when they have something to lose or gain. I think it’s time we get serious and make more noise. We stand by as small groups rally and take away our liberties. Thank you for signing Kathy. Let’s make a difference. I am calling this the Americans Reunited Movement. #ARM started a Facebook page last week. And now together we own Americansreunited.org Details to follow later
$#%&!@* had it right, but the wrong people…
All of Obamas followers are on En$#%&!@*lements.Thats what’s bankrupting this country, that’s his plan.
How long are we to continue to sustain this strain on our country?
And constantly complaine