Obama is so generous with your tax dollars. According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data 91.4% of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare. Yes, the people bent on destroying us are getting generous entitlements from us. Read more outrage on the next page:
get these terrorists out of our country
Obama doesn’t care it was not his money., as long as he gave it to his Muslim Buddy and the hell with Americans.
Goodness Jim, that must have been a lot of research.
all closet isis members
It’s not “En$#%&!@*lements” their given, it’s handouts! “En$#%&!@*lements” are earned through the years by long term ($) participation!
This is why his stats are in the toilet!
The only en$#%&!@*lements they should receive is a bullet.
THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER PE$#%&!@*ION THAT WILL FALL BY THE WAYSIDE! This is very serious! Let’s do something about this people! Stop the Syrian Islamic invasion! Sign the pe$#%&!@*ion now. And start contacting your elected officials!
Yes, this is getting ridiculous, they shouldn’t be allowed to come in, we are sick of supporting people.