The thought police are in full force, led by the Democrat party.
A group of Democrat Attorneys General have conspired to charge a number of for-profit and non-profit conservative and libertarian organizations who have not bought into the preposterous global warming scam, and they are determined to shut these groups up.
The full weight of the government will be directed against them because they have been vocal in spreading the increasing evidence that global warming or global change is a huge, bureaucratic machine to expand government control of the country and extract huge sums from the public.
The charge is being led by the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, but make no mistake, it is being coordinated by the Obama administration along with a number of Democrat governors.
More on this outrageous scheme to silence the opposition on page 2:
VIOLATING FREE SPEECH RIGHTS? ABSOLUTELY! If they succeed in this perverted bullying, the first amendment will be gone..
Sick un American bastards1
more big government you think what i want you to think or else and boy they will love hillary she loves big government to and what about rump he done his job and gone back to the palace now
A bunch more like Al Gore wanting to ride the people and line their pockets
This scam was Slick Willie’s idea. Gore is not low enough to think up c**p like this. Their adm was winding up, and Gore was freakin’ out about the almighty $$, so Bill Clinton and his minions got this scam together for Al Gore and he ran with the ball from there. I still think the clintons are involved thru their foundation and its funny-money.
Are they all criminals on the same payroll?
I say we charge the feds with breaking the first amendment!
The people behind this are all democrats whose goal it is to imprison anybody who disagrees with the climate agenda of these screwballs. Thety’re aiming it at universities who get federal $$$ (whivh most do) to silence any scientist there who publish dissenting science. These people all need to be fired.
Amazing how many people still think the sky is falling. The liberals worst enemy….FACTS.
Just wait. A new Sherriff is coming to town, and he won’t be afraid to put the wood to these Leftist criminals. Big Brother needs to swing, and all of his henchment with him.