Big Pharma operates much like the Clinton Crime Family, no hit is too small or big when the person in question decides to cross their path. Or maybe Big Pharma has nothing to do with all the unexplained deaths we’ve seen happening. The list of holistic doctors found to have spontaneously committed “suicide” or murdered has grown expeditionary over the past few years. Police state that this is not suspicious, that the doctor’s livelihoods had nothing to do with their unsolved murders or suicides.
I don’t know about you, but when I hear a smart highly educated doctor “supposedly” committed suicide by stabbing or shooting themselves in odd places. I am immediately suspicious.
The 84th holistic doctor in our “murder count” series was brought to our attention when the police themselves came out with a shocking admission.
Head on over to the next page to learn about the murder of Dr. Clive Bridgham of East Providence Rhode Island
Cure for death? I don’t think so. More like a cure for life, once there’s no incentive to keep creating medicines. Why would anyone waste his time murdering holistic doctors? What big “secret” did they possess that we all haven’t already heard? Silly.
“Big Pharma” can’t force you to do a damn thing you don’t want to do.
Don t want the truth out? Lol! What big, secret truth? As if!! Go ahead. I challenge you. Reveal the great big secret truth. Really. Do it.
If they truly had a consistent method to heal anything significant, don’t you think we would have known their names BEFORE their deaths were reported?
Andree Lonsdale Gross. Let’s start simply…under OBAMACARE the only medical connected venue that wasn’t crucified was pharmaceutical companies…medications in many instances rose 2 to 300%. Life saving meds were especially targeted. Simple asthma inhalers went from 12 dollars to 240 dollars for those without prescription insurance. Cancer meds went from 600 a month to over 5000 a month. Look up the current so called research findings being passed off as recent discoveries. Many of these new ” discoveries ” are actually 20 years old…i heard about many of them when I was attending school years ago. A few years ago a chief cancer researcher made the claim she found a cancer cure…two weeks later she was found dead and her office ransacked. I believe the number of naturalist s dead are around 80. Before we had pharmaceutical companies we had natural remedies that worked. Now we pay the big bucks. So Andree what’s your stake in pharmaceutical s and their over bloated revenue base?
One more thing Andree Lonsdale Gross. Are you aware that with the pharmaceutical medication insurance the co pays are the price the meds were before the insurance
The AMA does not cure disease, they just treat it. Big pharma probably kills more people with their drugs then they help. Google it.
WTH is going on! When will someone start looking into these murders????
So how is that working out for them?
I have Not heard one political person call for an investigation about the deaths of this large number of very questionable suicides.