Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex growing too big and powerful – now his warnings have to fruition.
Since 1996 the Department of Defense has run up $8.5 trillion of unaccounted for spending.
When the holes came up in paperwork, DOD just made up numbers on the books, all while no audit has been done.
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today Newspaper, says the ‘phony war on terror over the last 10+ years has been an opportunity for defense entities to buy Congress’.
Trump knows he done.thats why hes asking for donations now lmao! Typical businessman get what you can back of what you lost lol thats trump.he will bow out in October watch lol.democrats will hold office for the next 30yrs and 8 of that will be by #Clinton2016
he money is being used on secret space projects that have been going on for fifty years…
That is going to change very soon
Kind of sound like Obama used money that congress did not vote for if that is true Obama is guilty of imbelsiment
Obama Stole 6 trillion dollars from the american people to fill his bank account to fund Terrorist the ones the let out of Gitmo
He could go to prison for s lot longer than Hillary
Where’s the IRS Everything needs to have a receipt or a trail.
Now we know where obama is getting money for refugees.
TRUMP will find it. He’s a Business man. I bet that’s way this is coming out now. More arrests. Or murders.
TRUMP will find it. He’s a Business man. I bet that’s way this is coming out now. More arrests. Or murders.