Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex growing too big and powerful – now his warnings have to fruition.
Since 1996 the Department of Defense has run up $8.5 trillion of unaccounted for spending.
When the holes came up in paperwork, DOD just made up numbers on the books, all while no audit has been done.
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today Newspaper, says the ‘phony war on terror over the last 10+ years has been an opportunity for defense entities to buy Congress’.
I don’t care who is to blame, I, an American tax payer want it fixed, then we can worry about the punishment of those involved.
You know, I want to say so much about this, but it’s so bad that I just have no words to describe it! Thanks for the 8 years of your “presidency” Emperor Obama! Donald Trump and his team will have their hands full in dealing with this huge mess!
That’s right it’s Obama’s fault. If he stole one cent, which he did, then he is as guilty as Bush and Cheney.
I am not surprised.
No way you say I am shocked
It’s probably in the Clinton Foundation with the 6 billion lost from Hillary’s State Department.
America, we’ve been had. WE need Trump all the way!!
That’s half of our deficit.
Don’t forget your draft dodging, military hating Clintons. Their ill gotten gains is pushing 500 million.
Arming the brotherhood #otraitorsamerica