Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex growing too big and powerful – now his warnings have to fruition.
Since 1996 the Department of Defense has run up $8.5 trillion of unaccounted for spending.
When the holes came up in paperwork, DOD just made up numbers on the books, all while no audit has been done.
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today Newspaper, says the ‘phony war on terror over the last 10+ years has been an opportunity for defense entities to buy Congress’.
lots of the missing money is military equipment given to isis F16 A10 and other things sold to are enemys for a song form guns to grenades to hummers APC to Tanks BackPack nukes Obama-Bin-Lying the great muslim terrorist leader has left America defenseless and now he wants your personal guns
No surprise here more. Corruptiom
Someone has to be acceptable for ALL THE MONEY MISSING IN THIS COUNTRY! CHECK THE CLINTON FOUNDATION, Obama’s pockets, and the Middle East.
Neil Jordan did you read the article ?? Did you ????
The article said it started in 1994 !!! Who was president then ? Any guesses?? So let me see ! Bush was president for 8 years. Right ? Obama will be president for 8 years ? Right ? Clinton was president as the article stated for 6 years ! Right ? That’s 14 to 8 in years of Democrat control !! Right ??
So how is Bush and Cheney at fault ?
The point of the post is that government is to big !!
Doesn’t matter who is in control ! Do you even know how the government works ?
It’s just remarkable , a government out of control
Fire them all!
That can take care of health benefits, ss,collage,+ more…. gotta love our CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT. …
Remember the billions of dollars that they could not account for when 9/11 happened
This is another reason for term limits on congress and Senate, and remove the after service benefits. Personally, I think all congress and Senate members should be voluntary.
OH my God it worse than I thought!!!! I thought it was $6,500,000,000,000