Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex growing too big and powerful – now his warnings have to fruition.
Since 1996 the Department of Defense has run up $8.5 trillion of unaccounted for spending.
When the holes came up in paperwork, DOD just made up numbers on the books, all while no audit has been done.
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today Newspaper, says the ‘phony war on terror over the last 10+ years has been an opportunity for defense entities to buy Congress’.
Nothing but corruption!
Give that chevron money u stole back
Find out who,s pocket it is in one guess
Dubie Willard You are right about some of the money going to fight the Dersert Wars. Carter started these wars with IRAN when he would not give back The Ruthless Dictator of IRAN was here on a faked hosiptal visit. Bush did what he could to defeat these war mongers. But along came Obama and let it all go to HELL
What total b******t !!
Just think, every legal American citizen could have been a multi millionaire. That would fixed the economy and kept the money in the U.S.A. for the most part
Muzzies have it courtesy Ochit and Killary
Ask Obama and killery they’re paying for military operations and guns and paying people to join Isis. Plus they have to pay for people to vote for killery. We the American citizens know where that money is going. It’s not going to us. I can guarantee you that, the working people who struggle to pay mortgage payments and pay for food and electricity and health care.
I’ll be glad to help em out out. Every month my budget comes out right to the penny.
How the$#%&!@*do you misplace 8.5 trillion??!!!