In a world where children are being killed by ISIS for refusing to deny their faith, it certainly is alarming that a seventh grade girl in Texas would be told to deny her faith or fail her assignment.
Young Jordan Wooley stood before the Katy Independent School District (ISD) school board and described the assignment “that questioned my faith, and told me that God was not real.”
Read on the next page how this teacher created an losing proposition for the students who believed in God. The students must either recant or fail the assignment.
Totally unconscionable!
Yet they can teach Muslim religious stuff in school. …wtf
That teacher should be fired !!
And that time is fast approaching !!
Stand your ground!
They can’t do that , what wrong with teach don’t they know there going to hell and im not joking , ur really going to hell its true u better. Change ur way stuip knock block head !
Straight out of God’s Not Dead.
Wonder if she were Islamic would that happen?
Good finally some common sense god isn’t real and if you think he is you are part of the problem
im not a believer however what they have done to our schools and to this student is atrocious