At a time when the federal government continues on every possible front to limit the Second Amendment of Americans, one group is having their gun rights expanded: illegal immigrants.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit pulled off what Breitbart News calls the “work of a contortionist” in how they upheld the law, while at the same time paving the way for those in our country illegally to be able to own guns.
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You guys are all brain dead. All people have God given Rights. And if you take them away from any person lest they commit an actual crime with an actual victim, then your the crimminal.
non U S citizens do NOT have any rights under the U S constitution
They do not have the right to vote or bare arms but ALL the other right they can claim.
only citizens have rights. This is why they should not get a drivers license. They can use it for more than just driving.
Nope they have no right in America
Another court gone wrong making new laws when they are to up hold laws on the books
No they don’t not in our country
They have no rights if they are illegal..They need to be deported..The judges should be deported too.
Okay I must be a dummy today would somebody help me out with this please. If I go to another state I cannot buy a firearm unless I am a legal resident of that state. How can an illegal alien be a legal resident of any state? What am I missing here?
Illegals have no rights