At a time when the federal government continues on every possible front to limit the Second Amendment of Americans, one group is having their gun rights expanded: illegal immigrants.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit pulled off what Breitbart News calls the “work of a contortionist” in how they upheld the law, while at the same time paving the way for those in our country illegally to be able to own guns.
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Illegal immigrants don’t have rights!! They are here ILLEGALLY!!
Have they lost their little minds?
No they don’t
They have no rights in my opinion
I think you all need to take a double take. People have the Right to keep and bear arms. This is not a gift from the Federal Government. The Right predates the Constitution. Predates your State even City. Its in the constitution as a limitation to Government power. One could ask if God owns the earth, how did you obtain title to it, or title to public property? Did you buy Gods earth from Satan. What when God comes back??
Hell NO they don’t! The U.S. Constitution applies to U.S. Citizens. Illegals are NOT citizens of the United States & therefore have NO rights under our Constitution.
Your belief that non-citizens dont have Rights is the setup for you to lose them. Rethink!!
No. They don’t have a right to taxpayer funded legal counsel. That is a right for American Citizens.
Michael Grossberg. Your assuming they’re crimminals.
So if you went to another country and you were crimminaly attacked. You dont have a right to self defense. You just have to let them rape you? Your not allowed to run away. Your not allowed to bust your rapist in the jaw? Self defense is a God given Right. Rights dont have borders. Its sad that you think they do.