At a time when the federal government continues on every possible front to limit the Second Amendment of Americans, one group is having their gun rights expanded: illegal immigrants.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit pulled off what Breitbart News calls the “work of a contortionist” in how they upheld the law, while at the same time paving the way for those in our country illegally to be able to own guns.
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Illegals have no citizen rights. They are criminals! The court is embarrassing themselves and US Citizens.
They have no rights at all.
B******t illegals don’t have any rights….
No they don’t! Illegal Aliens have no rights. Just like a ex-con who is a felon has no right to carry a gun! I know because I can’t get one.
They have NO rights as they are illegal and already breaking the law being here. We need to dump these liberal judges!
If you are not a US citizen, then you have no Rights under our cositution.that is a no brainer.
well the 7th circuit court does not know what “ILLEGAL” means then.
No rights they aren’t citizens, dumbasses
F**e news
That’s nuts