The American addiction to painkillers that every now and then makes some surprising waves. With drug companies showing that they’re shipping out more pain medications than most major drug stores have records of receiving, it makes you wonder where it’s all going? According to The Charleston Gazette, the trail of painkillers had led to West Virginia’s Mingo County, which has the fourth-highest prescription opioid death rate of any county in the United States.
From there, the trail goes through Wyoming County, where OxyContin shipments have doubles and the overdose death rate is the highest in the country. If these shipments aren’t going to stores like Rite-Aid, Walgreens or CVS, then where’s it all going? The answer is the independently run stores. For example, a mom and pop pharmacy in Oceana reportedly received 600 times as many oxycodone pills as the Rite Aid just eight blocks away.
Because the lawyers from these major companies shipping the pills out have worked hard to keep their manifests secret, it makes you wonder if they’re working with these small companies to take advantage of addicted peoples and populations.
Find out which states and counties are the top ten drug abusers on the next page.
Every single American should be demanding Marijuana be made legal immediately.
Legalize marijuana. It helps with pain. I know I use it. It is not addictive just illegal. Demand legalization or watch your loved ones die from drug addiction.
Legalize marijuana.
Buy high quality, Non-gmo CBD Oil while you can! Frankense and Oregano Oils help as well! Properly produced, Organic, Non-gmo foods and herbs are powerful medicines!! ❤ Peace to All! ❤
Exactly where we are headed as a nation. Pills, Chem trails. Makes our politicians happy. Keeps us quite, placated. 25% of the world’s population ( the United States) uses 75% of the meds!
Duh, we already know this. Mercury in vaccines, flouride in our water, alumina in our pills and food, lithium in our air.
Chris Leonard, give it a rest! You have homework to do yourself!
As long as the THC is taken out of it, then I think it would be a viable option.
Greed at work!
no different that all the dope flown into Mina AK during Bill Clinton’ s reign there. The agenda of the government is not the well being of our citizens